Meet the Class of


In High School

  • Study Hours

  • Study Hours by School Type

  • Math Level

  • Sources of Pressure

  • Extracurriculars

  • President of Student Government


  • Average SAT/ACT Score by Income Bracket

  • Average SAT/ACT Score by Athlete Status

  • Average SAT Score by College Admissions Counselor

  • Average SAT Score by Legacy Status

  • Number of SAT Tests

  • Number of ACT Tests

At Harvard

  • Anticipated College Study Hours

  • Anticipated Concentration

  • Anticipated Multiple Concentrations

  • Anticipated Secondaries and Language Citations


  • Preferences for Econ Among Athletes

  • Ethnicity of Recruited Athletes

  • Athletes by Income


  • Cheating by Income

  • Cheating by Interest in Social Organizations

  • Cheating by Secondary School

Artificial Intelligence

  • AI Impact on Higher Ed

  • AI Use Frequency

  • Anticipated AI Use