Pietro Galeone
Pietro is a freshman from Bari, Italy, who now lives in Wigglesworth. His role models are his dad, A. De Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince, Jennifer Lawrence.
Bari, Italy
Worst date: “Well, I guess this was a decent night night after all, despite the flat tire, the parking ticket, the ripped shirt, and the lost phone. At least we survived the first date.” “Date? What date?! Oh, sorry, did you think this was a date?” “…”
First thing you’ll do with your 15 minutes of fame: Call Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lawrence, and go out together.
Role Models: My dad, A. De Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince, Jennifer Lawrence.
Most embarrassing Harvard moment: Me (whispering to a friend): “Hey, look at the professor’s zipper, it’s open… ”Professor: “I know, it’s broken.”
In 15 years you are: Probably still asleep. Or in some ONG.